How To Information

Reserve a Court

  1. Obtain AllBooked URL via Email from
  2. Log in to AllBooked  [Tuckahoe Venue].
  3. Select Day at the top and click on desired court/time slot.
  4. Select Book at the top & fill in fields.
  5. Select Confirm Booking at the bottom.

Bring a Guest

  1. When you reserve the court in AllBooked, please include the names of any guests.
  2. Purchase a Tennis Guest Pass online here.

Experience a Private Lesson

  1. Contact & coordinate with PA coach, they will book the court time [].
  2. Pay for Lesson online here.

Register for Junior Program

  1. Fill out online form & submit

Register for Adult Program

  1. Fill out online form & submit

Make a Custom Payment

  1. For unique & pro-rated payments, please use these forms as directed by PA staff.


  1. If you turn on Autofill on your browser, future use of the same form can be quickly filled out.